Wednesday, September 25, 2024

pierre poutine, aka pee pee head. read this. or by all means scumfuck, continue spreading lies and hate ya fuckin goof

dumbass says he's gonna ban hard drugs if he gets elected. It's like the past 50 years never happened. 
Then goes out to spout bullshit about building homes. Not affordable homes. Just homes. Ya know, condo's, skyscrapers, big ass mansions...

 lol @ ban hard drugs. guy, there's drugs in singapore. You know what happens to people in singapore with drugs? sooooo realistic. 

WTF??? "Nothing preventing builders from building homes"? Are you even on the same planet? Ya, it's totally profitable. But guess what isn't? And what you COMPLETELY ignore?

Affordable housing. Say it with me pee pee. Af-for-da-ble hou-sing. Got it? Still having trouble? The second sylable is almost ford. you know, your drug dealing of your dead rock smokin pal?


I mean, it's sooo obvious. 

Seriously, do you even listen to yourself? Or you just reading from a script?

We don't need more fucking houses you halfwit ninny.

We need homes that aren't SRO's but are also affordable.

lets say this. some person gets clean. Sees this idiotic message. Thinks they can buy a house. Goes to try and buy a house, but because they've been using for so long, they don't have any credit. Then they go back to the sro, and because you lie to them, they decided, well, sobriety ain't worth it. Because that's what'll happen. Happened with harper. No doubt you'll do the exact same. Because you aren't a real conservative. None of you are really, or least, I haven't heard or seen any. Americans got one. You could learn from him. Or continue with this wilful ignorance schitk.

Fact is, you and your kind have been eroding social safeties since before mulroney. And making sure corps get more and more and more. Liberals too, but not nearly on the scale you lowlife liars do. How is your pocket book doing btw? Get any good "donations" lately?

I've watched, as one program after another, falls to the axe of corporate and cop greed. Yes cops. More money for cops, means less money for social programs that negate the need for more cops. That SAVE you money. It is truly too bad, that you think your constituents are nothing but passive believers of all the lies you told. Because while many of them are, one day, they're going to realize that the economy is in shambles, they have no job, no home, no hope, because scum like lied and said you know what you're doing, when you so OBVIOUSLY do not.

If you did, you'd have said you build affordable housing. No one needs another condo in vancouver. No one needs another 10 bedroom mansion here either. And those go up all the time. Along with hoity toity skyscrapers. We don't need them. We need 3000 units in vancouver, of affordable housing, because someone isn't going to get clean on the street you knob.

Do your job. Quit. You are turtle on a fence post, and deserve nothing but scorn. 

Or continue parroting the words of an orange shitbag who killed 6 million of his fellow americans. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

just trying to figure out why people on the right are as fucked as they are

did it again. holding on to hate will make you constipated.

 give it a few months.... pierre poutine has good chance unfortunately. I'm actually scared for my friends. Not nearly like when harper was elected.  There were limits in society. Things people wouldn't put up with 10-15 years ago, and now? You've heard of jordan peterson right? Patron saint of incels everywhere? He's one small example. 

We, like you, have a variety of views. And we have our own version of trump and followers. Because it's easier to hate the other, than figure out why you're hating, and seems there's a lot of intellectually stunted and lazy halfwits. People who never should have graduated public school, because there's no way they were able to pass grade 3, much less 8. 

But a lot of that has to do with parents. People who were never able to get a proper childhood, a lot in my age bracket, aren't able to be proper parents. They say, well, we use to ride our bikes without helmets, and we were fine. Are you though? Like, they forgot how many kids were dying from easily prevented head injuries. Or left permantly disabled. They just forget these people. And then they'll laugh when they think about it, because it's uncomfortable to them, but fact their reaction is laughter, only proves how little respect they had for that person.

But ya, when you have parents, good people, under pressure to work their ass off, just so they can afford grocieries, much less the gas or bills, their is a lot less patience shown.

Pretty sure I saw it in my dad. I could tell he wanted to be there more for me, but I think he just hadn't realized my strengths. And then he got sick and passed. But the early years, he was never in a good mood when he got home. Never abusive. But grumpy most of the time. He was disabled as well. So you add that in, and it becomes quite understandable. But he was different when he was finally able to stop working. 

The point is, parenting has always been lacking. Unfortunately, we allow parents to teach our children hate, in any number of ways. My mom was good. She nipped that in the bud at a very early age. And I'm glad she did. I wouldn't want to be carrying that bullshit around my entire life because my parents encouraged it, instead of talking to me about why it was wrong. I learned about homosexuality when I was 8. Anyone who thinks they can't tell thier children about it, at any age, is a fucking fool. Homosexuality can be explained to literally any child. You don't get into sex. Who the fuck talks to their 8 year old about sex, unless there's reason to believe they've been harmed???? Or they bring it up first. Which should probably set of some red flags if they're giving descriptions. But I digress. Parents want to protect their children. Sure. But when you're teaching hate to your child, in any fashion, what are you protecting? Their own self worth. Because they believe, their child should believe it. Because they're too afraid their child will think less of them, so they've got to make sure they continue the lie. Because hate is a lie. Not just the propaganda. Not just the mouthpieces online. It's the biggest lie of all. To yourself. Because truth and love go hand in hand. As do lies and hate. The only way a hater like drumpf gets power, or holds on to it, is through lies and hate. And drumpf certainly tried. And tryin real hard to get it back. 

But this has gone on long enough. Both this post, and fascist lies. The war has already begun. I certainly hope the truth wins out, but with everyone on the right, othering everyone on the left, and left keeps trying to reach out and find comprimise, while the right seems to be grabbing at power like a 3 year old grabs for a candy.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

They can't handle the truth.

This started out as comment. It changed into something else rather quickly. 

The amount of time I spend looking for one little detail, just for myself, and when I was making vids too, drove me kind of insane sometimes. And if couldn't find it, never enters the equation. Or if it's not what I thought. And yes, I comparmentalize rather easily. I might think something to be true, but unless I know it, won't repeat it.  The lies and misinformation I've been seeing on youtube lately. And the ai garbage... The truth is so important, yet no one seems to care anymore. Clicks and views and likes. ME ME ME ME!! THE ONLY TRUTH THAT MATTERS IS MINE! 

The truth is the only thing that saves the world. And WAAAAY too many people think that opinions are important, and lies are truth, and good is evil.

They don't seem to understand that many are guillibleand dont' care the rate of people who vote against their own interests, amazes me. Liberals have always at least paid lip service to the people. Now, less and less, but historically, liberals have been just as racist as conservatives. I think most of the signers of independence, with a few exceptions, would be classified as liberals today. From what I understand,(I've not honestly read it) it's a magnificent piece of writing. That the values it instills are supposed to help the people, against the power of an oligarchy, against fascism, to protect the people, from the likes of common criminals a la drumpf.

But we go left, we go right. The left is better, because there's enough there who actually do care, that want to help the people, and are never able, because of bullshit past agreements, court bullshit that drags on for years, and while some wrongs have been righted, there are still many many things that still need to happen.

But as I said, people vote against their own interests. The vote for conservatives, is a vote for a group of people, who think they're the majority, when really, the country is split down the middle. So when the conservatives say they have a majority, check the actual totals.

the point, is that liberals are "better" for the people, as the only time our rights get recognized, is under a liberal gov't. They're willing to acknowledge the past mistakes, as well as agreements, that previous gov'ts have made. They're willing to give LBGTQ+ their rights. And not just because it's expected that it would be liberals promoting this, but because it was the right thing to do. Conservatives almost never think about the the right thing to do. Because they know, the most powerful people in the country are behind and beside them. The wealthy, the corporations, and the police. Military doesn't count here, because I kind of doubt that A: the gov't would stoop so low, or B: the troops would follow obviously illegal orders.

The wealthy, well, because they got the money, and "invest" in politicians. The corps, because they've almost got a monopoly on the entire world. Food companies are down to a few big ones, banks, tech, insurance, etc. Sure, there's lots of little guys, but really, when you look at the numbers, and realize that the top 5 in a lot of companies own a large amount of that industry, and then you think, man this has been consolidating a lot over the past decade. Mergers and such. And when a company gets merged out bought out, the workers don't see any of that value. They should be happy to have a job. I forgot. A job that they basically slave at for 8-12 hours, then trudge home for an hour each way on the highway, only to find out, they paycheque isn't even going to cover the rent anymore, because their land lord raised it. Conservatives are happy. Landleeches get money makes con man happy. They're always happy to see "growth" in the market, no one cares if you can't afford your apt. go get another ya lazy bum. 

So you play the game, apply for social assistence and housing, but find you make too much for housing and social assistance, but if you need help, heres a pamflet with address and phone numbers of all the shelters and food banks in the area. 

There could be a list of landlords who aren't leeches. Or there could affordable housing for everyone who needs it. But nope. Better to make people live in the filth of hastings, or when they can get away with it, in parks, except the pigs then come along to move them out. Like, instead of providing housing, they provide bulldozers, garbage trucks, and men with badges and guns, who'll beat you with a billy club if you don't react fast enough to their "orders"

Keep getting sidetracked. But that's because this issue, and yes, it's only a single simple one, has a lot of nuance and subtlety. Because I dunno how to convince people who believe something so hard, they truth would shatter their entire belief system. Like, if drumpf isn't telling the truth, what's in my bible?

I wanted to get more into the money/corpo nonsense. Because corps aren't big fans of liberals, as they tend to clamp down on SOME of the bullshit the conservatives heap on us to benifit the corpo's. So they'll do their best to influence the public to vote one way or the other. We don't have sooo much of an issue as down south with faux news, but we've still got scum news...or should I remenants. Pretty vocal ones too. ezra levant came up in my feed recently to my utter surprise. More dog whistle racist nonsense, from the racist. Can we call the cpc the racist party of canada? It's def more fitting.  But the corpo's are the same. They hate liberals, not because they're good for the people, but because they can't make as much profit, because that's what the world is all about right? I mean, who cares if a "small" percentage live in squalor. That 30 nations reservations still don't have clean water. Sure, it's better than it was, but the longstanding ones, that should have been fixed by now, fuuuu

But more money for the corpo's. more money for the ultrarich. Or even just the moderaly wealthy, like only a few mil. And millionaires? I don't consider them wealthy. They're not wealthy. They have just barely enough to make the rest of their life comfortable. Something we should ALL have. But don't anymore, because successive gov'ts have eroded our basic protections, to the point where people piss in bottles, because they don't want to stop driving. Because they'll barely make enough to pay their life saving medication, and without this job, they don't have benifits, and they'll die. or worse. 

But lets elect a conservative. Lets elect someone who thinks you're nothing but a stepping stone to power. A pawn to their king. IMO, at least liberals try to act more like bishops and rooks. A lot of power, but it's usually restrained. Not always, as I said before, at least paid lip service too. Could you imagine how many more people would have died during covid, had it been a con man? I did the calculations. If the US had of enacted similiar lockdowns as we did, 6 million americans would still be alive. Based on population size and number of deaths. 6 MILLION. I seem to recall someone else in history who responsible for 6 million deaths.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Battletech 3062 GOG windows Install how to Xubuntu 22.04

Update I installed Garuda Demonized.
Once that was installed, opened Bottles. Installed dotnet 472. Added winhttp. changed limits. added corefonts. 
Once that was all done, easy.

As with my previous how to, it's very possible I've missed something, Troubleshooting's a bitch. Leave me a comment and I'll update.

Install winehq

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 

sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key

sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

sudo apt update

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

export WINEARCH=win32

export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32


should be set for windows 7 on applications tab, but otherwise, click ok.

Install lutris

sudo apt install lutris

(alternatively, download deb from

Install Battletech

Open lutris, click the plus sign, search for a lutris installer type battletech.
Select gog w/ dxvk, click install, click install again, make sure source is set to select file, click browse, select your gog windows battletech installer exe.

let it do its thing(it'll take awhile, and you won't see anything), battletech will be installed

You should check now to make sure it works.

Now, select battletech, click on the arrow beside the wine glass at the bottom, and select "open bash terminal"

now, type in winetricks dotnet472

you'll also need some fonts(optional but useful if you use debug)
winetricks corefonts



checkbox the license, 


restart later, 

repeat until done. there's several

Install DLC's

select battletech from lutris again, click the wine icon, and select "Run EXE inside wine prefix"

select your dlc executable, and install.

From here on in, you can follow the guide starting at section 2 modifying the folder paths as needed with 1 minor change
Again, run the btainstaller from "Run EXE inside wine prefix"

Samsung Odyssey + and SteamVR in xubuntu 22.04

UPDATE Ignore all of this. Install envision.
some of this still applies but you can pretty much ignore the builds. Envision does it for you.

UPDATED for Kubuntu 24.04
Plasma X11. No wayland. I had way too many issues with wayland to want to even bother, even before vr setup.

Losely based on this
This is what I had to do to get my vr to work.

First install video Drivers.
I have an Nvidia RTX 2060, so I've installed the latest proprietary drivers from ubuntu. nvidia 550.67 I think. Manual installed via terminal as it's not included in additional drivers.   I decided to just skip 535, as my previous install had bugs that were solved by updating the driver, so didn't even bother with 535 this time around. You can google if you don't know how... it's easy (if you can't save xorg.conf, google "nvidia polkit")

Also had steam, bottles, and wine installed and working before I started any of this, so you may want to start there. Steam with steams deb, and wine installed both in flatpak for bottles and i386 arch (dpkg --add-architecture i386) winehq stable does not appear to have a package yet for 24.04, and so installed staging. that didn't quite work, it seems, so did a sudo apt install wine, which seems to have done something funny to staging, but I dunno. it's working, so don't really care.

Then install these:

   sudo apt install cmake ninja-build build-essential git wget unzip libeigen3-dev curl patch python3 pkg-config libx11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxrandr-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libvulkan-dev glslang-tools libglvnd-dev libgl1-mesa-dev ca-certificates libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev libhidapi-dev libwayland-dev libuvc-dev libavcodec-dev libopencv-dev libv4l-dev libcjson-dev libsdl2-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libbluetooth-dev libsystemd-dev xr-hardware libtbb-dev libglew-dev libpng-dev liblz4-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-serialization-dev libgtest-dev libfmt-dev libuvc-dev mesa-common-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-glx0-dev libxcb-dri2-0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libvulkan-dev libgl1-mesa-dev python3 vulkan-tools libvulkan1 doxygen libopenvr-dev


OpenXR-SDK compiled built in packages on kubuntu 24.04 so this wasn't needed. Leaving for just in case.

        git clone
        cd OpenXR-SDK
        cmake . -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -Bbuild
        sudo ninja -C build install

        sudo mkdir -p /etc/xdg/openxr/1/
        sudo ln -s /usr/share/openxr/1/openxr_monado.json /etc/xdg/openxr/1/active_runtime.json
           mkdir -p ~/.config/openxr/1
        ln -s /usr/share/openxr/1/openxr_monado.json ~/.config/openxr/1/active_runtime.json


Installed basalt according to readme/
and now 6dof works? either way, my terminology may be wrong, but it's good.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd basalt

Edit these 2 files
nano thirdparty/Pangolin/src/image/image_io_jpg.cpp 
nano thirdparty/Pangolin/include/pangolin/log/packetstream_tags.h
  ^^Add this line under the first #include to both these files 

    #include <cstdint>

make with debug(you can do a minimal install,  with this command, cmake -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBASALT_BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY_ONLY=on 
But I'd rather make ts easier if I need it.

sudo ninja -C build install
sudo cmake --build build --target install


git clone
cd OpenHMD
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install 


Download and compile/install Monado

git clone
cd monado/
cmake -G Ninja -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
sudo ninja -C build install

create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-HMD.conf and insert this into contents

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-HMD.conf

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "Device0"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    Option "AllowHMD" "yes"

xrandr --output HDMI-0 --prop --set non-desktop 1

now run monado-service with your headset plugged in and you should get a grey output on the goggles. you should see in the terminal


A bit about this xrandr command. I could make this load on login, but I run multiple monitors and my hdmi port uses one, so I switch it. also, I don't leave my headset plugged in, to save it's life. even plugged in and off, it's warm, so I leave it unplugged when not using, and then run this when I plug in, and test with monado-service.

check the man page for info on this line as well, as you will have a different setup than mine, and your variables will be different.
My full xrandr line denotes all 3 monitors and my headset like this

xrandr --output DP-5 --pos 0x0 --mode 1920x1080 --primary --output DP-1 --pos 1920x0 --mode 1680x1050 --output DP-3 --pos 3600x0 --mode 1920x1080 --scale 0.5x0.5 --output HDMI-0 --prop --set non-desktop 1

Install Steam and devices(again, lots of how tos on this) download and install the deb.
I first installed steam, and configured with proton experimental before I even started doing this install. (along with bottles and wine) so you may want to make sure that steam is just working before starting this how to.

log in, and install steamvr 

Also I ran steam in a terminal, so I could check output for troubleshooting. You can also got to .steam/steam/logs/ vrmonitor.txt and vrserver.txt are really useful if you have issues.

Libcurl is installed with steam, and it's corrupt? incorrect? dunno... link it to actual, and all works fine.(i've been told this isn't proper, but really don't care since it seems to work....if devs want things proper, maybe they should include a script that corrects the issue? or tell it to valve, not a user who just want's his shit to work....)

   cd /home/$USER/.steam/steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64


   ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/ adddriver /usr/share/steamvr-monado

something else is wrong here, but once I do this, instead of launching steamvr,
cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin
and run
that'll launch something, set up stand or sit down, and then launch your game. works, but don't know how or why, as I'm having issues with steamvr...

This works with multiple monitors. Maybe older versions had issues, but this did not.