Monday, July 31, 2023

Battletech 3062 GOG windows Install how to Xubuntu 22.04

Update I installed Garuda Demonized.
Once that was installed, opened Bottles. Installed dotnet 472. Added winhttp. changed limits. added corefonts. 
Once that was all done, easy.

As with my previous how to, it's very possible I've missed something, Troubleshooting's a bitch. Leave me a comment and I'll update.

Install winehq

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 

sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key

sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

sudo apt update

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

export WINEARCH=win32

export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32


should be set for windows 7 on applications tab, but otherwise, click ok.

Install lutris

sudo apt install lutris

(alternatively, download deb from

Install Battletech

Open lutris, click the plus sign, search for a lutris installer type battletech.
Select gog w/ dxvk, click install, click install again, make sure source is set to select file, click browse, select your gog windows battletech installer exe.

let it do its thing(it'll take awhile, and you won't see anything), battletech will be installed

You should check now to make sure it works.

Now, select battletech, click on the arrow beside the wine glass at the bottom, and select "open bash terminal"

now, type in winetricks dotnet472

you'll also need some fonts(optional but useful if you use debug)
winetricks corefonts



checkbox the license, 


restart later, 

repeat until done. there's several

Install DLC's

select battletech from lutris again, click the wine icon, and select "Run EXE inside wine prefix"

select your dlc executable, and install.

From here on in, you can follow the guide starting at section 2 modifying the folder paths as needed with 1 minor change
Again, run the btainstaller from "Run EXE inside wine prefix"

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