Tuesday, September 24, 2024

just trying to figure out why people on the right are as fucked as they are

did it again. holding on to hate will make you constipated.


 give it a few months.... pierre poutine has good chance unfortunately. I'm actually scared for my friends. Not nearly like when harper was elected.  There were limits in society. Things people wouldn't put up with 10-15 years ago, and now? You've heard of jordan peterson right? Patron saint of incels everywhere? He's one small example. 

We, like you, have a variety of views. And we have our own version of trump and followers. Because it's easier to hate the other, than figure out why you're hating, and seems there's a lot of intellectually stunted and lazy halfwits. People who never should have graduated public school, because there's no way they were able to pass grade 3, much less 8. 

But a lot of that has to do with parents. People who were never able to get a proper childhood, a lot in my age bracket, aren't able to be proper parents. They say, well, we use to ride our bikes without helmets, and we were fine. Are you though? Like, they forgot how many kids were dying from easily prevented head injuries. Or left permantly disabled. They just forget these people. And then they'll laugh when they think about it, because it's uncomfortable to them, but fact their reaction is laughter, only proves how little respect they had for that person.

But ya, when you have parents, good people, under pressure to work their ass off, just so they can afford grocieries, much less the gas or bills, their is a lot less patience shown.

Pretty sure I saw it in my dad. I could tell he wanted to be there more for me, but I think he just hadn't realized my strengths. And then he got sick and passed. But the early years, he was never in a good mood when he got home. Never abusive. But grumpy most of the time. He was disabled as well. So you add that in, and it becomes quite understandable. But he was different when he was finally able to stop working. 

The point is, parenting has always been lacking. Unfortunately, we allow parents to teach our children hate, in any number of ways. My mom was good. She nipped that in the bud at a very early age. And I'm glad she did. I wouldn't want to be carrying that bullshit around my entire life because my parents encouraged it, instead of talking to me about why it was wrong. I learned about homosexuality when I was 8. Anyone who thinks they can't tell thier children about it, at any age, is a fucking fool. Homosexuality can be explained to literally any child. You don't get into sex. Who the fuck talks to their 8 year old about sex, unless there's reason to believe they've been harmed???? Or they bring it up first. Which should probably set of some red flags if they're giving descriptions. But I digress. Parents want to protect their children. Sure. But when you're teaching hate to your child, in any fashion, what are you protecting? Their own self worth. Because they believe, their child should believe it. Because they're too afraid their child will think less of them, so they've got to make sure they continue the lie. Because hate is a lie. Not just the propaganda. Not just the mouthpieces online. It's the biggest lie of all. To yourself. Because truth and love go hand in hand. As do lies and hate. The only way a hater like drumpf gets power, or holds on to it, is through lies and hate. And drumpf certainly tried. And tryin real hard to get it back. 

But this has gone on long enough. Both this post, and fascist lies. The war has already begun. I certainly hope the truth wins out, but with everyone on the right, othering everyone on the left, and left keeps trying to reach out and find comprimise, while the right seems to be grabbing at power like a 3 year old grabs for a candy.

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