Wednesday, September 25, 2024

pierre poutine, aka pee pee head. read this. or by all means scumfuck, continue spreading lies and hate ya fuckin goof

dumbass says he's gonna ban hard drugs if he gets elected. It's like the past 50 years never happened. 
Then goes out to spout bullshit about building homes. Not affordable homes. Just homes. Ya know, condo's, skyscrapers, big ass mansions...

 lol @ ban hard drugs. guy, there's drugs in singapore. You know what happens to people in singapore with drugs? sooooo realistic. 

WTF??? "Nothing preventing builders from building homes"? Are you even on the same planet? Ya, it's totally profitable. But guess what isn't? And what you COMPLETELY ignore?

Affordable housing. Say it with me pee pee. Af-for-da-ble hou-sing. Got it? Still having trouble? The second sylable is almost ford. you know, your drug dealing of your dead rock smokin pal?


I mean, it's sooo obvious. 

Seriously, do you even listen to yourself? Or you just reading from a script?

We don't need more fucking houses you halfwit ninny.

We need homes that aren't SRO's but are also affordable.

lets say this. some person gets clean. Sees this idiotic message. Thinks they can buy a house. Goes to try and buy a house, but because they've been using for so long, they don't have any credit. Then they go back to the sro, and because you lie to them, they decided, well, sobriety ain't worth it. Because that's what'll happen. Happened with harper. No doubt you'll do the exact same. Because you aren't a real conservative. None of you are really, or least, I haven't heard or seen any. Americans got one. You could learn from him. Or continue with this wilful ignorance schitk.

Fact is, you and your kind have been eroding social safeties since before mulroney. And making sure corps get more and more and more. Liberals too, but not nearly on the scale you lowlife liars do. How is your pocket book doing btw? Get any good "donations" lately?

I've watched, as one program after another, falls to the axe of corporate and cop greed. Yes cops. More money for cops, means less money for social programs that negate the need for more cops. That SAVE you money. It is truly too bad, that you think your constituents are nothing but passive believers of all the lies you told. Because while many of them are, one day, they're going to realize that the economy is in shambles, they have no job, no home, no hope, because scum like lied and said you know what you're doing, when you so OBVIOUSLY do not.

If you did, you'd have said you build affordable housing. No one needs another condo in vancouver. No one needs another 10 bedroom mansion here either. And those go up all the time. Along with hoity toity skyscrapers. We don't need them. We need 3000 units in vancouver, of affordable housing, because someone isn't going to get clean on the street you knob.

Do your job. Quit. You are turtle on a fence post, and deserve nothing but scorn. 

Or continue parroting the words of an orange shitbag who killed 6 million of his fellow americans. 

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