Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In Solidarity

Alex Hundert is now in the incarceration period.  He will be held for 8 and a 1/2 months, having already served approx 4 months of his sentence in pretrial.  He is the last person to be sentenced and incarcerated for his role in the G20 Summit in Toronto in 2010.  Anthony Verberckmoes, will enter the courtroom on this morning, where an uncertain fate awaits him.  The police have given him a bogus charge of obstruction of justice, for his role during the nazi counter protest.  And Bailey Dawn, doesn't even know if she will be charged with a crime, as after she was assaulted by pro-lifers, the cops seemed to show more than a little bias towards her.

All 3 of these people have stood up for what is right and just in this world, only to have the "just us" system come crashing down upon them.  The day will not come soon enough, where it will be said that no protest's are needed, where no apartheid exists, where no racism exists, where no sexism and misogyny exist, where one may walk around knowing that your government is not fighting a war for oil and power.

Alex Hundert is a strong support of First Nations, and an amazing activist.  If you don't know who he is, I suggest you check out Dan Dicks documentarys, United We Fall, The Nations Deathbed, and Into the Fire. As well, his blog can be found here.  Don't forget to support Alex while he's in jail.  His detainment allowed most of the other "co-conspirators" to go free.  His sacrifice will not be forgotten, and we all know that he will never be broken by the system that persecutes him.

Anthony Verberckmoes, a local London activist and anarchist, has been active in the community for many years.  His wisdom, knowledge, and a amazing speaking ability, has earned him much respect from his peers and comrades.  The bogus charges stems from an incident that occurred when Blood and Honour, decided to try and organize.  Anti-fa smashed a window on one of their vehicles that day.  He will be in court at 9:30 this morning.  An event has been called here.  Show up if you can!!

Bailey Dawn, another local London activist and anarchist, has also been active in the community, volunteering her time for local organizations.  A strong women and feminist, she felt it was her duty to be a part of the action organized by the CAW, in response to the "Center for Bio-Ethical Reform"(whatever that's supposed to mean) anti-abortion caravan campaign, making its way across the country.  She was violently assaulted, and the bruises can been seen in this video.(look in the description, and link this "WHATS GOING ON HERE? 39:00")  Unfortunately, I was too far away to get any video at the time.  The anti abortionist's, have uploaded an edited version of the events here, which fails to show the assault on her before this video begins.

All 3 of these people deserve and require your support.  Alex has a support page setup here.  Anthony asks that you show up in court tomorrow if you are able to.  And for now, Bailey has yet to be charged with anything, but if she is issued a summons, then I would hope that we could support her in court as well.  Solidarity to all.  United, we can never be defeated.

(edit)  This morning, Bailey Dawn was arrested and charged with mischief.  She is being held in custody at the moment, and I expect that she will be released sometime this afternoon.
(edit)Bailey has been released.


  1. Interesting that bailey has been charged

    do we have any info on the people who assaulted her?
    surely she cannot be charged, singely, for being attacked

    something smells fishy!

    any response appreciated, preferably on info about status of the pro-lifers

  2. wat was the actual, supposed mischief she caused?

    reporting an assualt, kid me not please
