Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why is London the only city in Canada to "ban" 420?

For the second year in a row, London Po lice, tried to carry out arrests against the annual gathering of marijuana activist's, on April 20th, or more affectionately known as 420.  Unfortunately for them, we were ready for them.  Hundreds of "joints" had been passed around earlier, by members of Occupy London.  When 420 rolled around, police attempted to arrest people for possession of marijuana.  Seems to me, the piggies go a little overboard here in London.  For the second year in a row, the only major Canadian city I can find, where the police get to harass peaceful protesters, and when the Canadian public has said poll after poll, they want to see pot legalized. 

I can remember 3 years ago, police sent in 2 officers around 4:30, and kids ran.  The entire park emptied pretty quick.  We got our smoke in, and the cops pulled their regular show of force.  Pretty much what they've done every 420, before last year.  And then cops showed up in force last year, and started arresting people immediatly.  This year, WE FOUGHT BACK!! AND WE WON!  And then, we went on a march to protest the only police force in Canada that has the audacity to arrest people on 420.

2 people were arrested for possession.  Last year 6 were arrested.  Many arrests were prevented on 420, thanks to the out of the box thinking by OLO.   The best part, in my humble opinion, is the footage we got, of the po lice attempting to arrest for possession, of TOBACCO!!! LMFAO!!!

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