Monday, December 27, 2010

Wow, I'm not crazy

As I look back on the year past, I realize that much needs to be done. I can not do it from where I am. So, I am heading to Ottawa. A city whitch is as beatiful as is is ugly. Like a rotten orange, you don't know it's rotten till you get into it.
What does this mean/ It meands that we are now heading into a place where demons are appearing everywhere. Look at your televisions and see the blatant lies that are being told by so called "reputable" news agencies. I'm sure there must be real human beings behind the camera, but I can't for the life of me, understand why they continue the charade. The spouting of lies, and misdirection, and half-truths, pisses me off. Not the deaths. The poor souls that are dying out there, barely even understand why they're doing it, if at all. And if they do understand, they usually try to get out of it. IE desertions, mass migrations from confilts. And it is our gov'ts in teh western world that are proping up these conflicts, onthe advice of the corporate lobbies. I mean, do you really think that boeing, or lockheed would want the war to end? You have any idea how much money they're making?

They've done quite well with the war so far...

The corporations have got to go. Starting with the Corporation of Canada. The gov't doesn't need some ficticious corporate person to provide protection for it. The government should be a government of the poeple, for the people, by the people.
Too often I find it is a government of the corporation, for the corporation, and by the corporation. I go to fight this, and in doing so, I hope to help usher in a new era where peace and prosperity fourishes. It is not utopia I seek, but balance, which is severly lacking right now.
Thos that have the understanding and the courage to do what is right, need to step up now, so that we may live in a more human society. I am sick and tired, and I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stephen harper is a traitor

people of canada
your government is under siege
The bankers are stealing your money, to line their own pockets
for nefarious ends
the creation of a central database of all human beings and
the collection of illegal fee's using the income tax act
an act, written up in a time of war, to be repealed when the war ended
the creation of genetically modified foods, the longterm effects of which are unknown,
and now going so far, as to create laws that make non GMO plants and seeds illegal*bill c 36
the use of fluoride in the water
call the poison control, and tell them you ate a tube of toothpaste
fluoride builds up in your system, and like all poison's has detrimental effects
but your government mandates the use of it in your water
so why do they tell us to spit out the toothpaste when your done?
using our soldiers as human shields, in wars in sovereign nations who had done us no harm, and never intended "us" any harm
mainly due to the fact that at the time, you would be a fool to piss off banksters of canada, funding, however indirectly, your own jihad
and your a fool to believe canada is blameless in world affairs
take stephen harpers recent statement that canada is morally bound to support is ra el
canada is morally bound to support no side, except that of the innocent men women and children of Palestine being slaughtered and made into terrorists by the is ra el i military
and do not mistake this for anti semitic either you dumb sheep
i have Jewish friends, some of whom even, are also against is ra el
how can anyone stand with a terrorist state, and not be one as well?

Stephen harper is a traitor

people of canada
your government is under siege
The bankers are stealing your money, to line their own pockets
for nefarious ends
the creation of a central database of all human beings and
the collection of illegal fee's using the income tax act
an act, written up in a time of war, to be repealed when the war ended
the creation of genetically modified foods, the longterm effects of which are unknown,
and now going so far, as to create laws that make non GMO plants and seeds illegal*bill c 36
the use of fluoride in the water
call the poison control, and tell them you ate a tube of toothpaste
fluoride builds up in your system, and like all poison's has detrimental effects
but your government mandates the use of it in your water
so why do they tell us to spit out the toothpaste when your done?
using our soldiers as human shields, in wars in sovereign nations who had done us no harm, and never intended "us" any harm
mainly due to the fact that at the time, you would be a fool to piss off banksters of canada, funding, however indirectly, your own jihad
and your a fool to believe canada is blameless in world affairs
take stephen harpers recent statement that canada is morally bound to support is ra el
canada is morally bound to support no side, except that of the innocent men women and children of Palestine being slaughtered and made into terrorists by the is ra el i military
and do not mistake this for anti semitic either you dumb sheep
i have Jewish friends, some of whom even, are also against is ra el
how can anyone stand with a terrorist state, and not be one as well?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Welcome to Police State Canada

Our leaders have instituted draconian policies, the likes of which no one has seen for 60 years. If you don't not show your papers to the police upon request, you will be arrested and thrown in jail. The only difference between then and now, is that the ones being asked for papers aren't wearing yellow 6 pointed stars.. Welcome to Nazi Canada.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's time to get the hell outta dodge

Over the next few weeks, there is going to be a lot of people talking about the g20/g8 summits. Most of these people are going to be uninformed as to what is actually going on. I'm here to let you know(that is assuming I've got more than just the regular conspiracy theory nuts reading this{i'm one too, so don't take offence})
The purpose of globalization is to make it so that the masses are so sheepified, that they don't see that the elites have done it once again. That is, make the sheep their slaves. Are you a slave? Do you pay your taxes like a good little hooved furry animal? Do you cow toe yourself before every policy enforcement officer you see? Do you actually believe that voting in elections has anything to do with democracy? These people do not have your best interest in their hearts(as they should, considering you voted for them) They only give a shit about their fucking pocket book, and want to know how to make it bigger. The next financial crisis is gonna come hard, and it's gonna come fast. And it will change the face of the world. And it is exactly what the elites want. Once they are in position(and they are nearly there) all they have to do is push a button, and world wide panic ensues. Black monday will look like kindergarten when all is said and done. And when it is done, 90% of the wealth, will be in the hands of 10% of the population. Sounds like the great depression all over again.
Once thats done, the elites will have all the power and control they could ever want. And then we will start seeing more armed and uniformed thugs patrolling our street....err...wait a sec...that's already happening. Talk to your police forces...there's too many of them right now, and alot of them are working part time because they have to many "officers". Pigs who don't even know what thier oath means. So, make your backup plans. In a year from now, it'll probably be too late. Peace and God Speed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A time for Change!!

I have been sitting on the fence for far too long. I can not, and will not stand by any longer, while my countrymen are being lied to, and used as chattel property, in a scheme by the elites, to grab on to as much power and money as possible. 5% of the worlds population ownes 30% of the worlds wealth, and the gov't owning another 20% at least. That's 50% of the worlds wealth, arguably, in the hands of the elites and world bankers, and those that wish only to line their golden pockets.

This is unconscionable, and just plain evil. It is wrong that 50% of our wealth is under the control of those that enslave the human race, to further their own ends. I say fuck these people, and fuck the little pony they rode in on. They really need to shown that WE THE PEOPLE, are not going to take it anymore. It is time to unite under one flag. The world. The infrastructure is there, and it is currently under attack by the elites. I talk of the internet. This tool has allowed us to come together, and it is time to utilize this massive potential for the good of mankind. It is time to come together. I'm not sure how it will be done, but I know that if we work together that change will happen. So lets get together. We can't be scared anymore. We have to unite. The prigs need to get told, and have their asses handed out to them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh boy

What is the world coming to? There is death and violence and murder everywhere. Most recently we saw the slaying of 2 reporters on assignment in Iraq, getting murdered by u s troops. Personally, I found many of the comments by the soldiers reprehensible, as they didn't even know for a fact that these people were a threat. And either way, these soldiers broke the rules of combat, and should be tried for war crimes

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Counting Sheep...

So it's late at night, and I'm tired. I have neibours that keep me up..I need to move or something.. I've been thinking about the sheep. They've never decided to wake up themselves, and it's starting to drive me a little mad.

Yes, you can do your thing. But if you're just wandering around like a chicken with its head cut off, then get the fuck out. I dunno, shoot yourself, slit your wrist's, suffocate yourself with carbon monoxide emissions from your car. I'm sick of you. I'm absolutly fucking sick of you dumb sheep. It's time to wake up and at least realize that your gov't is lying to you... For the sole purpose of controlling you. Good job losers. Way to throw your entire life away.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Love Police

You may have noticed, that I recently created a Love Police Division for Canada. This is because I believe in what Charlie Veitch is doing. Regardless of the mistakes he's made, he is Human, just like the rest of us. I do not believe this is a cult. This is a group of free thinking individuals coming together, to spread love, and reduce the rampant fear that is running through the media, making it seem as though there is nothing good anymore in the world.

This has got to stop. I will not stand for it anymore. The media is culpable in nearly all the wars, of the last hundred years. Manipulated by the international bankers, and the politicians at their beck and call, the media continually shows you scenes of death and destruction, in an effort to make everyone more docile. So that it is easy to make the masses think that war is necessary, or even just, when in fact, it is illegal, and morally reprehensible.

Whether you believe me or not, you can't ignore the fact that all of the wars previous to this one(obviously I believe this one as well) were either aggravated like at Pearl Harbor, or like in the Bay of Tomkin incident preceding the Vietnam War, where a false flag event was used to push the U.S. populace into outright agreement to another illegal war.

We must stop this. All this war must be stopped. We must educate the masses about the lie's they've been told. I will not stop fighting until either we've won, and we are free from this gov't tyranny and oppression, or I'm dead. That simple.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yo. How's it going. Peace be unto everyone. I come with a message. One, I feel, that must be heard.

We are the people, and we need to stand together. Now more than ever. Our brethren are everywhere, and we can help eachother. We can make a brighter future. 2012 is going to change the world, and we may very well be on the forefront of it. Now more than ever we need to be able to be heard with one voice.

We are part of the one, and the one is part of us. The world is quantum, and infinite in variety, yet we are still finding ways of destroying our little piece of what could be utopia. With all the information we have available to us, we should be able to figure out the problems, and yet, our corporate master's have us in a position of servitude and ignorance, because the very technologies that will free us, are being hidden away by these very same corporations. This is so that ideas such as planned obselence and vaccines are crowed around as necessary, while poverty, famine, corruption, and greed for the almighty dollar, prevail.

I will not stand by any longer. I will not tolerate injustice any longer. I will stand up for my fellow human beings.

Stand with me on this.

We will be free, or die trying.

Thank you

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We are not at peace. THIS IS WAR!

Don't be alarmed by the title of my post. Just because we are not living on a peaceful planet, doesn't mean we are at war are we?

Let me put it to you this way. You are under constant attack. From the police, the media, the politicians. I'm here to let you know that fact. Every time you stop for a cruiser, you are being attacked. Your common law rights are being violated nearly every time. Unless you are in breach of the peace, you cannot be stopped by a peace officer. That being said, there must be a lot of people causing wars out there.

Oh wait, there are.

War on drugs, war on terror. War in iraq, war in israel. Do they really think that we the people, are that stupid that we cannot see that the only reason for war is money? Every war of the last 100 years, has been orchestrated by the international bankers, bent on making money over all else. Hellbent on hoarding their fake fiat currency, which they think, gives them power. I'm here to tell you that it is not they money that gives them power, it is you, the average joe, who gives them the consent they need to create something out of thin air(money) so that they can use it to oppress, humiliate, and bind you to their will.

The truth is out there, and if you don't look for it, you will never find it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Robert Dzeinski

Remember this guy?

I do. And you know what sickens me about all this? Not the man dying(that's bad enough though) but the fact that the RCMP who MURDERED this man, got AWAY WITH IT, SCOT FREE!

At 4:40 minutes into the video, the RCMP arrive on the scene. Immediatly, you see a couple of them put their hands to their sides, as if reaching for their sidearm.. or in this case taser. 40 seconds later,(5:20) you see the first pig point his tazer at Robert. At 5:30, you see and hear the first shot. After they've surrounded him. He offered no resistance to them. I didn't see any resistance to the police here at fact I see him putting his hands up in defeat. These pigs have been reinstated, and there was never any finding of wrong doing on their part.

BULLSHIT!! I think we can all see what's wrong here. The police, again, overstepping their boundries, and using force, WHERE NONE WAS FUCKING NECESSARY!!!

I think this is an absolute travesty of "justice", and even the inquiry found problems with the investigation. So, FUCK THESE PIGS!! STAND YOUR GROUND!! DON'T GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS!!! And if you get tazered, hopefully you don't die.

Until then, write to your MP. Write to the RCMP. Go and protest any police gathering you can. Cops think they are above the law. ITS TIME TO LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Waking up is hard to do...NOT!!

So, you've been living in the dream world have you? This fictitious place where you think you have these things called rights?

Well, Kinda.

WAKEY WAKEY, EGG'S AN' BAKEY!..mmm...bacon..(as i drool over the keyboard)

You've got some of them. You've also got some responsibilities. Which most of you have never really bothered to be responsible for. You have the right to be a peaceful being living on the soil, in the land commonly known as Canada. Not to be confused with CANADA. <---Thats a corporation.

See, right there for everyone to see. Right in plain sight. Traded on the SEC, in the good od' U.S. of A. So, why are we letting this happen? Why does CANADA need to have shares in the U.S. market? Because this is how they gain their power over you.

At birth, your parents were asked(it was a request in the form of an order...hmmm, that sounds a little fishy too me) to submit an application to register your birth. They did so, because they mistakenly believed that, if they didn't, a group of people would come to their home and forcibly remove their flesh and blood child. Now, most people never let it get that far. This is because they never question the authority behind the request. Because they never had any reason to believe that the reason for the request, was not so that the child could have the benifits of society, but so that the gov't would have a bond over that child, that they could then take and trade on the market. This is not a regular bond, but a futures bond. Based on the amount of money you'll make over the course of your lifetime, as well as your share in CANADA's and Canada's resources. They've traded and have been trading your future, and they've made A FUCKLOAD OF MONEY with that bond.

They say they're administering that money in the name of good. I say they're administering that money on the behalf of the international bankers, in the name of profits. So that the elites stay elite, and the masses, their unwitting servants.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I've just moved...

And now there are literally cracks in my wall's. Guess I'll have to change the name now. :P Anyway, here I am in downtown london, trying to contemplate my surroundings. My belongings and clothes strewn about me, like hurricane katrina just blew through. One really cool thing about the new digs, the previous tenant painted a skull on the wall. Take that dunklee and scott! Too bad darcy doesn't have internets...We'll have to do something about that soon I think. So to all you miscreants wandering around downtown, know that your denizen status has now be raised up a wee bit, as the walking talking breathtaking legend known as ME MYSELF AND I, am in your locale. Peace.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is anyone actually reading this?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Totally forgot I set this up a couple years ago...really interesting shit I posted...if you're a geek :)
Anyway, let's not forget about all the little people..those damned little people..who do they think they are? Running around trying to make the world a better place.. FUCK YOU! Stop it...go do something less productive, like say drink some beer...smoke some weed. I don't know, jump off a tall building in a wing suit.